More work needed on Council's Draft Corporate Plan

The Bedford Borough Council “Corporate Plan” sets the strategic direction for Bedford Borough for the next four years.
Currently, the plan is not inclusive, it seems to exclude many people. The economy has been ignored except for town centres, and there is no mention of improving skills which we think is vital for improving the life chances of local people of all ages.
With no reference to climate change, or the Great Ouse and our rivers, there is plenty of room for improvement.
Cllr Henry Vann said, “This plan put forward by the Conservatives needs a lot of work, and this is backed by local residents and local charities who have been in touch. There are huge gaps: people who might be facing great need but are not seen as “a family” as defined by the Tories are left out. And economic growth is restricted to the town centres; as important as that is, there is much more to the Borough than just the centres of Bedford and Kempston. This is to say nothing on the lack of a skills priority, and the absence of a commitment to tackling climate change and backing our rivers.
“The plan must be for everyone and everywhere in the Borough, wherever they live and work and whatever their family circumstances. We have highlighted these gaps and improvements on behalf of residents and we hope the next version takes concerns from residents and community groups on board.”
The ‘plan on a page’ has four sections, set out below with the Liberal Democrat response.
Supporting Families and the Vulnerable
We would like to see more precise and inclusive language, on definitions of both ‘family’ and ‘vulnerable’. We also want reassurances that ‘housing’ is priority for all in need, not just ‘family’ housing. Skills and opportunities should be available for all, including adults, not only looked after children.
Promoting Health and Wellbeing
Our feelings on charging for tennis courts have been widely shared. The Council should be ensuring that barriers to participation in sport and outside activities are removed as far as possible.
Stimulating Economic Growth
This plan mentions nothing about stimulating economic growth outside the town centres. Rural areas are conspicuously missing.
Protecting the Environment
There should be much more focus on water. This is not just the River Great Ouse and its tributaries, but all types of waterways. The health of the ‘blue’ areas is just as important as the ‘green’. We also urge the Conservative administration to re-commit to addressing the ‘climate emergency’ and sustainability into its Corporate Plan.