£1.2 million Conservative cut to road and pavement maintenance budget

The Conservative-run Council Cabinet have proposed a cut of £1.2 million from the road and pavement maintenance budgets. This will limit the Council’s ability to renew and maintain the road and pavement network.
Councillor Charles Royden Liberal Democrat Environment Spokesperson said “Residents will rightly be appalled at this decision of the Conservative Cabinet to cut such a significant amount from the Council’s road and pavement maintenance budgets. This funds the renewal of our local roads and pavements. The cut will mean less renewal work is done and we end up with more potholed and patched up roads for longer.
“This work was a priority under Mayor Dave Hodgson but has been a target for an early cut form the Conservatives. Money we put in the budget is now being reduced. The Mayor must think again on this and reverse this decision.”
The proposal is contained within the Council’s Capital Budget that was agreed by the Conservative Cabinet on 18th October and debated at Full Council on 29th November, where it was sent back to the Mayor to think again.