Tory administration burning through Council reserves
The current administration has used up 52% of the reserves they inherited. This money can only be spent once

The current administration has used up 52% of the reserves they inherited. This money can only be spent once
Bedford Borough Council's website advertises support for residents who have 'an unexpected crisis or emergency', but there is no money available
Conservative council introducing charges for previously free Telecare service. Liberal Democrat councillors raised concerns in December 2023. Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats have now “called-in”…
Skate park and basketball areas need resurfacing and repair
The Borough's Corporate Plan will set the direction for Bedford Borough for the next four years, but key areas are missing
Liberal Democrats push for a fair deal for all in terms of housing
With Stagecoach having introduced a new timetable from 3rd June, many Bedford Borough residents are even worse off than before.
The Conservative administration has dramatically shrunk capacity for tennis at Bedford Park and has reduced free play to a mere two hours on one court on Sunday afternoons
Pothole Hit Squad missed key winter targets. Liberal Democrat Councillors hold the administration to account